Commodity Light +

Under the Hood

•Dataset with pre-built data model with over 70 tables and determined relationships

•Over 90 calculated measures designed for commodity reporting purposes

•Data HUB with backups and audit trail

•Send data from Excel to Data HUB with just one click

•2FA implemented for all logins

•Different report roles for different users (FO,BO,Mid,Admin)


Static data with entities, c.parties etc.


Consumption curves

Price curves

Market values

Settlement plans

Change deal status (FO->BO)

Create settlement price

Update deal information



Slicer Panels

Drill Down

Drill Through

Conditional selections

Conditional formatting

Edit mode

Print mode

Settlement & Price




Credit Risk

Rate details

Hedge ratio

Mtm (Positive/Negative Gross)

Open Position


Rolling/Yearly figures

Why our solution?


Have a spesific way of calculating certain figures? All calculations can be implemented to our commodity system with ease.

Want to see a KPI’s in a certain way? Changing report visuals and slicer selections is quick and easy.

Cost effiecent

Big and stiff commodity systems are expenssive and require big integration projects. Our system is a more cost effiecent alternative with all needed functionalities and fast implementation within days.

Transparent project progress

We have customer oriented approach to projects. We publish our work immidiately to clients who’ll see the progress in real time. No ”black box” deliveries.

Integration with Excel and Power Platfrom

Our system can funtion as supporting tool for existing systems or stand-alone system with integration to PowerApps and Excel. We use Microsoft Power Platform to enhance and automate reporting.


Contact us to find out more about our references